Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gallery of Famous Southeasterners

For our social studies unit, I like to do an art/biography project.  Here's one I got out of a book Regions of the USA by The Mailbox

First, I have my kids write a biography on a famous person in the southeast region.  Then, they copy it onto scroll paper.  I found a good template here.

The pictures come from the Regions of the USA book.  They glue them onto white cardstock into 6 X 9 pieces. 

The kids glue pasta around the picture and then paint the pasta and any of the showing cardstock gold.

Then, I hot glue the pasta frame to black construction paper (because it's so heavy), and regulary Elmer's glue the scroll to the same construction paper, side by side. 

Then put them on a bulletin board titled Gallery of Famous Southeasterners. (I forgot the word famous in my display!)

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